Friday, April 11, 2008

Training and Working Out Pay Off

Red trains at least 5 times a week and is working hard towards reaching his black belt. Although he has a long way to go, he is determined and focused. His instructors constantly encourage him to train smarter and harder. He trains in physical conditioning, cardio, kumite point sparring and weapons. In the dojo, Red is constantly being paired against advanced belts such as black, brown and red. This type of training prepares Red for competition and allows him to develop the skills required to effectively carry out defensive and offensive maneuvers that will help him both in competitive combat and in life. His training is hard and very demanding. It is making him stronger, faster and it is increasing his endurance and fighting ability. He is on his way to becoming a great competitor!

Below: Alex "Red" Valdez after the Eli Guzman Tournament.

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